Hiya, please be assured that your greeting card will safely arrive in a strong board backed envelope. If your order is for multiple cards, they will arrive in a PIP (Pricing In Proportion) box which is designed to fit through a standard letterbox.
I recently purchased a card from a retailer and it arrived in a standard paper envelope. A poor show! A strong board backed envelope is a necessity, and I thankfully have found a couple of good suppliers of these. When I began the greeting card business eleven months ago, it was trial and error with buying board backed envelopes. I received some poor quality envelopes that could be bent into a U shape! Thankfully the envelopes I now use are of a 600gsm board backing, strong, and not bendable into a U shape!
In the unlikely occurence that your card should arrive damaged, please go to the Contact Us page where you will find our email address, quote your order number in your email, and we will send a replacement card to you, free of charge.